Rafoxanideis a halogenated salicylanilide, it is highly effective in cases offacsioliasis & haemonchiasis and is mainly indicated for the treatment ofacute and chronic liver flukes infestation in sheep and cattle.
In sheep:
Rafoxanidesuspension is a highly effective remedy for treatment and control of adult andimmature liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica and fasciola gigantica more than 6weeks). All strains of adults and immature flukes, and all larval stages of thesheep nasal warm
In cattle:
Rafoxanidesuspension is used in the treatment and control of adult and immature liverflukes (Fosciola gigentica, and fasciola hepatica (more than 6 weeks) and adultworms of Haemenchus species.
Fenbendazoleis effective for treatment ofnumerous helminth intestinal parasites in animals, includingToxacara, Toxascaris, Ancylostoma, andTrichuris.In dogs, it iseffective for most intestinal helminth parasites and also against nematodes. Indogs, it also has been used for pulmonary helminths (lungworms), but longerduration of treatment is needed.Fenbendazolehas been effective fortreatment of Giardia,buthigher doses are needed and there may be failure rates as high as 50%. It iseffective in cats for treatment of lungworms, flukes, and a variety of helminthparasites.
Fenbendazole is a drug prescribedby veterinarians to treat intestinal parasites. It kills roundworms, whipworms,hookworms, and tapeworms in pets. It is only FDA-approved in dogs, butveterinarians often prescribe Fenbendazole to cats as well.
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